

Posted on: August 7, 2009

Very glad to be in my festival themed team. Everyone is enthusiastic about out topic and many ideas for guests and areas within festivals that we’re all curious about. I can see how we can make our questions revolve around these areas. Guests wise, I suggested bringing in Matt Crute. He manages one of my friends- Tim Mcmillan. So I’ll e-mail him within the coming week or over the weekend. Imogen also suggested her father who works at ABC radio. Andy also suggested someone who he knows who’se involved in music festivals as well. And with MIFF wrapping up in a few days, getting someone from that would be amazing. I think Miriam might be able to get someone from the angry film festival as well. We’ve also listed roles within a festival that would be ideal to have
-store manager
-publicity (PR)
-Event Creator
booking agent (Matt!!)
-ex-graduate in any of the above areas.

it would also be good to put together a showreel to play at the start of the seminar. But right now priority lies in confirming our guests. Also, we’ve delegated roles and confirmed our group members. ( I know, I know, it’s a bit late….) The areas we’ve been split into are (1)Tech team – this includes the web team as well as the members in carge of the technical equipment on the day of the seminar. (2) PR team – in charge of sending out invites as well as printing and putting up the posters as well as sending out e-mails to invite people to come for the seminar. (This includes creating facebook event). (3) seminar host – in charge of researching guests and regulating conversation as well as topic relevance on the day of the seminar.

The date has been set as well! Week 8 -September 18th. As well as the name of our seminar- festivalheads.

So my task this coming week involve e-mailing Matt Crute as well as the steering committee to let them know I’m the contact person in our group. AND start on the design for the website.

oh what a week.

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Time n tide wait for no dee.

August 2009

My attempt to be organized
